2024's Bold Predictions, 2023 Track and Field Trivia, Frerichs Leaves Bowerman
2023's Biggest Disappointments & Surprises + A SUB-4 Mile In The Middle Of A Marathon?
Kerr 61:51 Half, Kiptum and Kipyegon Athletes of Year, Nick Willis' Streak Ends, Rojo's Begins?
Jakob and Josh, 6 Athletes of Year?, Niels Laros Upset + Best Thing in Running
Valencia: 2:01 Club Grows, Bekele is Back, Cheptegei? + Valby Sub 15:00 & Blanks 13:03
NCAA Champ Graham Blanks (Guest), Turkey Trots, Mary Cain-Nike lawsuit, USATF finances, BU 5000s
Breaking Down NCAAs: Parker Valby, Graham Blanks, Ok State Dominant, NC State and Katelyn Tuohy Get it Done
NCAAs Are Here: Valby vs Tuohy, NAU vs Ok State, Siegel Renewed, Marathon Trials 10 am
New York: Tola CR, Obiri Double +Bowerman Departures, Kiptum did what?!
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